What's Next?
Stuck Inside It was really bound to happen one way or another, you know how word travels out here, so imagine germs and sicknesses spreading. It was only a matter of time, COVID-19 has forced us all into quarantine and "social-distancing". Even in deadly results, which is the daunting part of this all. So much uncertainty and confusion but yet we still got time for jokes about "Corona Time a.k.a Corona- the Mexican beer". Trying to find motivation during this time can be difficult especially when many issues are being exposed due to the injustices that the government and white entitled people that make it harder for black/Latinx people to thrive. When there is only a finger pointed at you because of your race, where you live, or who you were with- there are no real helping hands in this system. Normal life does not exist, 'normal' is an idea we create to keep from believing that everyone is not the same. Not all of us have the same struggles, benefits...